Nominators should provide:

  • Their name, position, affiliated institution and/or organization, and professional address and phone number.

  • The name and title of the individual candidate or research team being nominated for the Golden Goose Award. Additional contact information such as phone number, professional address and e-mail of the nominee(s) should be provided if available.

  • Concise responses on why/how this nomination exemplifies each criteria of the Golden Goose Award. Nominations should respond to the following questions:

    • Describe the specific nature of the research conducted by the nominated individual(s), including the specific federal agencies that supported their work.

    • Explain how the research appeared unusual, obscure, sounded “funny” and/or could have been viewed as having questionable value at the time it was originally funded;

    • Explain how the results from the particular research were unexpected, unforeseen and/or serendipitous in nature;

    • Describe the economic, societal and/or transformations scientific impact of the research.

  • The inclusion of additional references and web links to articles, videos and other materials that help to describe the ‘story’ behind the research of the nominated individual(s) is encouraged.


Note: All materials become the property of the Golden Goose Steering Committee.